Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fatal Encounter

This story here is contributed by my sister...she heard it from someone but i hv forgotten who actually told her. It all started by 3 curious and adventurous friends in a school. These 3 girls were friends and studied in a same school. One day, when all other students went back home and it was very late, these girls were still in school. They noticed a room in their school was strange. The lights kept on flickering although the room was empty. Out of curiousity, they decided to check it out. As the saying goes, curiousity kills a cat. However, not all 3 of them went to check it out...one stayed behind. Here it goes, when they decided to go up to higher floor to investigate, one of the girls, lets call her Jean*, heard a very strange and horrible sound. She was scared and refuse to investigate with her other 2 friends, Sarah* and Helen*. Sarah and Helen left Jean at the ground floor because she chicken out and both of them proceeded to the room. A moment later, both Sarah and Helen ran to Jean in fear and they were pale. Jean was suprised and asked them what exactly happened. Sarah and Helen told Jean what they had encountered; They went up to the room and peeped from the outside. They saw a lady, a very haggard-look lady with hunchback, walking very slowly to a chair. When she reached the chair, she melted into liquid and reformed herself as a hunchback lady seconds later (sounds unbelievable, huh?). Sarah and Helen couldnt believe their eyes and ran away in fear. After this incident, they did not tell anyone about their encounter and their friendship seemed to be drifted apart. They no longer talk and loiter around. Not long after their encounter, Sarah died in a car accident. A very horrible accident. Jean and Helen were saddened by her sudden departure but still move on. A few years later, Helen scored better than Jean in a public examination. That time, they were both strangers, no longer good friends as before. Not long after the result was released, Helen was diagnosed with a strange and chronic disease. There is no cure for the disease and she died after that. Jean was so afraid that the encounter with the hunchback lady had been a fatal curse to both Helen and Sarah. Thus, she related this encounter to her mother and her mother was so worried for Jean that she brought her to a medium for solution. The medium asked them not to worry because Jean did not look at the hunchback lady that evening, which means her life is spared. The medium also told them that the strange and horrible sound that she heard that day was actually made by her guardian angel, to warn her not to investigate with Helen and Sarah. Believe it or not? It depends on u...lol

Late Night Passenger

This is a story contributed by my sister's boyfriend. He has a Malay friend who has third eye. He is able to see unseen entities. This incident happened when the Malay guy, lets call him A and his friend went up from Batang Kali to Genting at midnight. A was driving his car and his friend was siting next to him. The back seats were empty. On the way up, A felt that the car was loaded by something very heavy. He looked into the back mirror and to his horror, he saw a very fat entity siting at the back seat. This entity was faceless and its body was so big that it covered the view to the back. A couldnt see the back of his car because the fat ghost was blocking. However, A kept quiet as not to frighten his friend next to him. After they reached Genting, only then A revealed his experience to his friend.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Late Night Swim at Singapore's Beach

This story I read it from Singapore True Ghost Stories and i find it very creepy so wanna share with u guys here. This Malay Singaporean man loves swimming and he used to swim at beaches in Singapore late at night. Nothing had happened to him before until one night, he encountered something that changed his habit of late night swimming forever. As usual, this man went to the beach, got naked and jumped into the sea to swim. He loves swimming that he was so engrossed in it until he heard someone calling for help. He paused and looked around. He saw someone in the sea, very far from him. He could tell tht it was a man. He noticed that this man was drowning. Determined to save him, he swam with all his might towards this poor man. As he swam nearer, he noticed something was amiss. The drowning man was pale and his skin was rotting. Faggots could be seen on his face and his head was covered with seaweed. His hands were not struggling in water but the movements were similar to calling the Malay man closer and closer. The drowning man had wicked look and evil eyes. In fact, he had no eyes, only eye sockets could be seen. The last thing that scared the Malay man was that this drowning man was actually smiling....he had wicked grin! The Malay man was so freaked out and he knew it was a water ghost seeking for victim. He made his way back and swam with all his might back to the seashore. Upon looking the rescuer changed his mind, the drowning man yelled "OOI....OOOIII"
Then, the drowning man let out a very evil and wicked laugh "WAKAKAKAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Malay man swam and looked back, the drowning man was laughing so wickedly in the sea. Upon reaching seashore, he picked up his clothes and ran to his car. He sped home. From that day onwards, he never dare to swim at night anymore. This story gave me goosebumps everytime i recall it.

Beautiful Factory Ghost

This story is not my personal encounter but i read it somewhere and it is true. It happened in a factory in Singapore. This guy started to work in this factory for not long and he was hardworking. He was very dedicated to his work and his passion for his work never dies. One night when he was working OT (over time), he encountered a scary experience that he will never forget for the rest of his life. Here the story goes, it was late at night and the factory was dark. It was dim and he could only see near objects. He was alone, engrossed with his work until he heard someone was operating a machine. He was suprised as he was sure that he was alone that time. Curious of who it was, he took a peep and saw that a girl was operating a machine. He could only tell that it was a girl since it was dark that time. From the body shape and hair, i guess. He went nearer and nearer. It was really a girl, a very beautiful girl he had never seen before. Her complexion was fair and her eyes were big and beautiful. Her lips was rosy red and she was a perfect being. He saw her in his factory's uniform but he had not seen her before. Maybe a new colleague? He approached her and this girl was friendly. She smiled at him and talked to him. During their conversation, this guy noticed that this girl is actually very pale and sweating. She was actually looking for something. "Im looking for something, i think i dropped it here but i cannot find it anywhere" the girl said to him. This guy helped her to search for her thing by squatting down and look on the floor. He asked her "Miss, what did u lose that u must look for it at this hour?" The lady said in a very sad tone " I lost my hand" The guy was shocked to hear that and looked at her. The dim lights from far shone on that girl and also her hand. The guy saw that this girl had lost her hand up to her wrist and she was bleeding badly. That explains why she was pale. The guy was so shocked that he fainted. The next morning, he was awakened by his colleagues and he related his experience to them. The colleagues were not suprised and told him what happened in this factory before he came. Long ago before he came, there was this beautiful lady who worked there. One day, while operating the machine, she had an accident that cut her wrist off. She was bleeding badly and was rushed to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, this girl died due to excessive loss of blood. From that day onwards, this girl always search for her lost hand every night.

Haunted Highland Tower

Im sure many still remember the incident of Highland Tower. It was a tragedy which cost many lives. This tower must hv been built on loose ground or the architects have been sleeping on their job. Rain was pouring down so heavily for a few days. The heavy rain caused the building to collapse and killed so many residents trapped in it. How can a building collapse so easily just because it was raining? It is better said that 'they' were sleeping on their job. The incident shocked the nation where hundreds of live were lost. This building, precisely situated in the Selangor province was rumoured to be haunted ever since that tragedy. Residents living nearby often heard people screaming and crying late at night. Probably the ghosts of the dead which try to escape from that place. Not only noises could be heard. Ghosts sightings were reported also. There was a taxi driver who drove near that place to look for customers at night. A lady came out of no where flagged his taxi and boarded. This lady requested to go to Highland Tower but the driver did not sense anything amiss. It is very weird for a lady to go to the abandoned building at the wee hours. When they reach the building, the lady gave the driver her purse and boarded off. The driver was confused and opened up her purse. He was so shocked to see that the purse was full of blood and hell notes. Another incident also relates taxi driver. This Malay driver was looking for customer nearby too when he saw a young Malay girl flagged his taxi. Pressed on the break and let the lady to board on, he asked where she wanted to go. This lady requested to go to Highland Tower also. On the way to the building, this driver started to converse with this lady and their conversation lead to the purpose why this lady wanted to go to that abandoned building at that hour. This lady replied in Malay "Oh taxi brother, I forgot to take my things. My belongings are left i that building" The driver replied "Cant u take them tomorrow? It is very late and its very dangerous. What are those things that u need them so urgently?" The lady smiled and answered him "Oh, those things are my arms and legs" After that, i do not know what happened to the taxi driver.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It is very common to hear ghost sightings in the hospital as there will be patients passing away every day there. The souls of the dead roam the hospital and refuse to move on. Those with bad luck might hv encountered them. It is believed that these ghosts do not dare to disturb the doctors and nurses in the hospital. Not because these ghosts respect them but it is because of the doctor's robe and also the nurses' cap. Each and everyone of the nurse is compulsory to hv their cap on especially those with night shifts. It is believed that the caps have ability to drift the spirits away. Nurses and doctors are familiar with strange noises in the hospital. A neighbour of my grandma who is a retired nurse, had served the General Hospital for many years. When she was working at night, she could hear footsteps from every corner. The footsteps were obviously not human's. This is because the noise could be heard in front of the nurse and in a blink of eye, shifted to the back, right and left. As if someone was walking in front of the nurse but quickly to the back, right and left. No human can do that and of course, there wasnt any sighting of a being when the footsteps were heard. However, the spirit dare not to stay too close to the nurse due to her cap. It is believed that the ghosts dare not to enter police station too so next time when a ghost is after u and u cant find a temple, hide in the police station!

Crying Dead Man in the Car

Few years back, i think around 2 years or so...there was this man in Ipoh who got shot 7 times in his own brand new Saga car. This news came out in the paper too. What a coincident, this man is actually a relative of my aunt's neighbour. The relative of his live right opposite my aunt's house. From what I heard, this man was a bad guy when he was still alive. He was Along aka loan shark and did alot of sinful things. That explains why he had his life ended in such a cruel manner. He was shot 7 times and the last shot took his life. The bullet went straight into his head. He died in his car. This car is also owned by his nephew who is my aunt's neighbour because when they bought the car, this car is put under the nephew's name. Thus, after the incident, the nephew brought back this car after cleaning the blood stains all over the car and repaired the damaged windows. The night when he drove his car home, my aunt's dogs showed unusual behaviour by howling to the car. The howl was like the cry of the dogs (if u ever heard a dog cries, u will know). My uncle thought that it might be some bitches ( female dogs) having period, which caught the attention of the male dogs. However, the howl seemed not right. The neighbours were afraid as they knew that the dogs can see entities which we cannot. When one of the neighbour asked my aunt, my aunt thought nothing was amiss but when they asked her to be more alert, my aunt noticed that her dogs only howl when the nephew drove his car back. Therefore, there were rumours in the neighbourhood saying that the car is haunted by the previous owner. The dogs kept on howling even at midnight, causing the neighbours had hard times to fall asleep. One of the neighbours, who happens to live next to the nephew, claimed that she heard cries at midnight and sometimes from 6am until 9am. The cries of a man. She is convinced that she heard a man crying in front of her house. Not only her, her youngest daughter who was speaking on the phone at midnight, had goosebumps when she heard a man crying in front of her house. The cries were so real and it sounded very pity. Another neighbour's son heard someone walking here and there at the back lane at midnight. The next door neighbour was so afraid that ahe got an amulet from a temple and put next to her window. However, as time flies, the cries stopped and the howl of the dogs stopped as well. Maybe the dead man has reincarnated or moved on.