Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yellow Dress Girl In St Michael

St Michael's Institution is my alma mater and in year 2012, she will be celebrating her 100th birthday. Estabished in 1912 and gainig its reputation, thanks to students perfoeming well in academics, sports and even politics( former students ). Well, it is said that during WW2, ths school had been made the Japanese Headquarter where there are so many killings and torturing. It is even rumoured that there is a secret tunnel that will lead to Main Convent, next to Ipoh Parade but so far, none has seen the tunnel. Some said that the tunnel is located at the foot of The Deo Gratias statue in the Michaelians, check it out. Ok, here it goes. St Michael has been rumoured with many ghost stories due to its long history and one of the most famous one would be the little girl in yellow dress. It was believed that this girl is one of the victims during Japanese occupation and since her death, she has been haunting the top floor of the main building. She was seen to wander around late in the evening or early morning but so far there are only 2 stories which I remember until now.

The first story:
Many years ago, there was a fire drill and all the students are required to line up at the field. There were this dicipline teacher and 2 prefects, patrolling the school to make sure everyone has left the classroom. There are 2 staircase, each at the end of the building, the far left and far right side. The teacher asked prefect A t take the left staircase and prefect B to take the right staircase. They were ordered to ascend to the third floor to check if anyone was left behind. When prefect B was ascending, a girl in yellow dress came out of nowhere descending the same staircse and ignore the prefect, ran down the stair. The prefect clled for herbut she didnt give any response and soon after that, disappear from sight. The prefect was confused to see a girl in an all-boys school. After that, both prefects reached the third floor and the teacher came up too. Prefect B asked the teacher whether the teacher got meet a girl in yellow dress since the teacher came from the way exactly where the little girl ran to( in opposite direction, they should have met). Suprisingly, the teacher denied of seeing any girl. Not a single soul is spotted since the whole building is vacant except for the 3 of them. Prefect B was shocked but suddenly, Prefect A said 'I saw the girl, I met her at the far left side, coming down from staircase.' How come a person can run down the far right side staircase but appear at the far left side of the building at the same time? It is not possible at all.

The second story:
This happened when I was in Form 2. This incident did not happen to me but to the another class of the same form. It was in 2005 where this class was having Living Skill subject(Kemahiran Hidup). The class was divided into 2 and the other half was having their lesson in the workshop while the other half was having their lesson in a class next to surau at the THIRD FLOOR. This Malay teacher was teaching and was one of my favourite teachers too. A very kind and motherly teacher. This class is divided into 2 where the front portion is used for lesson and the back portion is empty. The 2 portions are separated by wooden wall with transparent mirror in the middle. Therefore, the front portion can view the back portion clearly and vice versa. When this teacher was so engrossed in teaching, she paused suddenly and was looking at the back of the class in horror. She was looking directly to the mirror on the wooden wall. She kept quiet and looked pale. The class was silent too and most of them turned to look at the back of the class. A few students kept quiet and looked pale too. They were in horror but most of the students did not see anything and kept wondering what has caused the lesson to be disrupted. Not long after that, the teacher continue to teach and pretend as if nothing had happened. When the bell rang, the teacher calmly walked out of the class and went back. When the class asked the few students who looked pale just now, they were taken aback of what they heard next. It was said that behind the transparent mirror, which is the back portion of the class, they saw a little girl in yellow dress, was walking here and there. She walked to the left and to the right. After that, she vanished into thin air. Thse who saw her were in horror and the teacher was the first to see her but did not let the students know. She did not want to freak the students out.


  1. My sister and I have seen a little girl in a yellow dress before in my father's home. It was in Stockbridge, Georgia back in 2010. We were in the kitchen and there is a foyer to the back door. I saw a girl in a yellow dress go outside and thought it was my neice. But then my sister asked me, "who just went out the door?" and when I said, I thought it was Mariah (my neice), my sister then goes, "No! Mariah is right here!" and then the hairs stood up on my neck when I saw my neice step from behind my sister, wearing a pink jumpsuit. We both were confused and my sister also confirmed that the girl had on a yellow dress. We did not get a good look at the face because it happened so quickly, but we heard the back door open and close in the foyer. After we realized it was not my neice, we ran out the back door to look for the girl but no one was out there. We knew it had to be a ghost. Then, when we came back inside, we heard the bath tub water running in a guest bathroom that no one uses the tub in. I went in there to investigave and found the water flowing down the drain on full blast as hot as it could be. Almost scalding. I turned it off and we were all convinced that the girl in the yellow dress had turned it on. After that day, we never saw her again but late at night would sometimes hear footsteps and get an eerie feeling as if someone was in there. We could never see who...

  2. I have occasionally spoken of my weird encounter, while attending school there, of a "young girl" who was heard sobbing in one of the classrooms on the ground floor of the original school structure. It was on an evening when the Scouts had a campfire gathering and and friend and I were invited to attend, (though we were not a part of the Scout movement), since we were residents in an adjacent facility, located next to the back field, which was beside the school cafeteria. After some songs, the games played escalated to "play fight " using rolled up newspapers, when my companion and I decided to excuse ourselves and take a night stroll around the school premises. This must have easily been after 8:30 that night. We made our way strolling along the corridors of the ground floor classes, when we heard some sobbing. Not thinking at the time that all the 4 entry doors to each class would be surely locked, we unsuspectingly found one door slightly ajar! I can't recall if my friend entered with me, (as he never wanted to speak of the experience again), but I recall seeing the silhouette of a figure sitting on top of a classroom table in the front row of the class. This was closer to the door opposite the one I, or we entered in. Having a torch light in my hand, I didn't want to rudely shine the light onto this "girl", but I could see quite clearly that she was in a white-ish top with a kind of slacks or jeans, which was also white (not yellow).
    Thinking she may have been a part of the Scout party, Iasked if "she" was well and told "her" that we will get the Scout leader over. As we made our way back to the campfire, little did we realise at that time, that the scouts were all attired in their uniformed tee shirts. We approached the leader and related our encounter with this "sobbing girl". The leader was curious and thought it not possible for any of his troop members to just wander off like that. I could not make out "her" face (and thinking back, I'm thankful I didn't), as her hair was rather long and hanged down the side of her face.
    The leader walked briskly with us back to the exact classroom, but this time, we found that all the doors were securely locked, as would have been the usual case. The leader asked if we were sure this was the right place as we checked the other classrooms, which had the same scenario - all securely locked. No sobbing or crying was heard and we called out for anyone to respond, but nothing could be heard.
    We were beside ourselves, as the leader returned to his group and we quickly made our way back to our residence, wondering to ourselves what in the world was that encounter all about.
    Only years later, after viewing a video on the most haunted schools in Malaysia, did I come across this report, among other sightings of ghosts in SMI.
    It may or may not have been related to that "girl in yellow dress", but I'm pretty sure of what i/we saw that night. It may have been a case of being transported into another realm, but it was certainly the classroom and atmosphere of the present time back then.
    An unforgettable incident at best, or worse!
